recent news

🐖️ ⛔️️ 🐖️  BAN IRISH PIG FARMING  🐖️ ⛔️️ 🐖️

In January 2024, Animal Rebellion Ireland and the National Animal Rights Association (NARA) began investigating Ireland’s pig industry.

The farms were chosen at random, in an effort to give an honest and unbiased insight into what really happens in Ireland. We then held a press conference on March 5th 2024 where we showed our investigation video to members of the press and government. Click here to read more, and please watch our full investigation video below by selecting ‘Watch on Youtube’.

🔥️ 🌎️ cop 28 global day for climate justice 🌎️ 🔥️

COP28 ran from Nov 30th - Dec 13th 2023 in Dubai.
With a lack of discussion around animal agriculture again, and a leading fossil fuel country hosting the conference, we took to the streets on December 9th with other concerned groups - see more here.

🍎️🍕️ DUBLIN VEGFEST 2023 🍎️🍕️

We are really excited to be taking part again this year
in Dublin Vegfest, happening September 23-24 at the Leinster Cricket Club in Rathmines D6. On Saturday at 3pm you can join our table quiz about animal agriculture and climate action. On Sunday at 4pm we are hosting a panel discussion with The Cranky Vegan, NARA, and Veghuns hosted by Ceara Carney (Books of Leaves Podcast). We’ll also have a stand where you can come to chat with us about what we do and how you can join!

Get your tickets here:


❗️️🌸️ bloom 2023 🌸️❗️️

On Thursday June 1st, World Milk Day, Animal Rebellion Ireland went to Bloom in the Phoenix Park where the National Dairy Council presented their show garden for sustainable dairy farming. We really felt strongly that we had to take action against this hypocrasy.

Please click here or below to see our video.

🐖️ 🐖️ my lovely pig rescue visit 🐖️ 🐖️

My Lovely Pig Rescue kindly invited us to their home
in Kildare to visit the pigs and help out with their chores! We had the pleasure of getting a tour of the rescue, meeting all of the pigs, and hearing their stories. Some of these pigs have had really hard times in the past and it was so lovely to see them enjoying themselves in a safe environment, as all animals should.

The work that My Lovely Pig does is truly amazing and we would strongly encourage you to donate any amount that you can by clicking here.  

Visit their website: My Lovely Pig.

 🐖️ ︎ ban live exports  🐖️ ︎

In October 2021, we joined Ethical Farming Ireland
and My Lovely Pig Rescue to demonstrate outside Dáil Éireann, demanding that the government cancel their plans to fly pigs to China (click the image on the right below.) Our protest caught the eye of many journalists and one celebrity in particular. See what James Cromwell, best known for his role as the farmer in ‘Babe’, has to say to the Irish government by clicking the left image below.

Listen to him speak about the issue on Claire Byrne Live, November 8th 2021, here.

︎ ︎  bycatch parade  ︎ ︎

We called on the Irish government to introduce
a minimum of 30% Marine Protected Areas by 2030
and an end to destructive trawling and overfishing.
Select the images below to read and see more about it.



talks for a compassionate future

 Our monthly online talks series, ‘Talks for a Compassionate Future’ brings experts to speak to members and the public, followed by Q&A and discussion. The series has so far covered a broad a range of topics related to climate and animal justice.

some of our talks/interviews:



We held a monthly online film club of free screenings
of climate or animal-related films, followed by discussion, during lockdown months. We hope to arrange
an in person film club in the future.

Both the Talks series and the Film Club were a great
way for us to grow our knowledge and stay connected
as an organisation.

previous FILMs: